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Jesse Moore

Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Business Leader, and Entry-Level Dad

  1. Deep Misconceptions about Deep Learning

    I started this article with the hopes of confronting a few misconceptions about Deep Learning (DL), a field of Machine Learning that is simultaneously labelled a silver bullet and research hype. The truth lies somewhere in the middle, and I hope I can un-muddy the waters — at least a little bit. …

  2. A Breakthrough in Fusion Puts Us On the Pathway to Unlimited Energy

    We have become accustomed to expecting only incremental changes in much of our life. The new iPhone excites people with some new feature, but we don’t expect world-shattering technology. That expectation comes despite the fact that the last millennium is littered with such examples. …

  3. An Obsolete Tesla, Pioneering Asteroid Mining, And Space Elevators

    I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Brian Bain over at Investor in the Family. He took a break from his typical guests - hedge fund managers, portfolio managers, and finance journalists to interview me on a few of my more alternative views on technology. It was a lot of fun and cudos to Brian for making me look better than I should. …